Buy Shipping Container Insulation Panels in Hialeah, FL

Innovation is a key factor in shipping container transformations. Builders are using a single container to create smaller pop-up shops, offices, and homes, and with multiple containers, large, eco-friendly homes, complexes, and more are possible. Innovative designers want innovative and effective products. InSoFast shipping container insulation panels answer this desire. Whether your build plans in Hialeah, FL, are wide-ranging or smaller in scope, buy our panels and gain appropriate insulation with a bounty of surprising advantages.

Buy Shipping Container Insulation Panels in Hialeah, FL

Continuous Insulation by Design

An InSoFast insulation system consists of our panels connected tightly at interlocking notches. Each CX 44 shipping container panel has an energy efficiency of R-11, and the two built-in polypropylene studs are non-conductive and buried within the insulating foam. These measures promote uninterrupted insulation with no thermal leakage. We offer products that enable your shipping container to be fully insulated, from the ceiling to the end walls, floors, and side walls.

Fast and Convenient Installation

Convenience is such a major selling point of our panels that the description is in the name itself. The tongue-and-groove notches on the edges of each panel facilitate a straightforward, goof-protected process of installation.

The panels are stackable, lightweight, and non-bulky with dimensions of 44”x24”x2”. The foam panels include measurement line indicators and are easily scored for cutting and resizing. The only tools needed for the application process include a utility knife, a saw, construction adhesive, a caulk gun, and canned spray foam insulation.

Built-in Framing Created via Insulation System

Framing a building is a necessary part of construction that offers support for drywall and mounted accessories. The issues with the conventional wooden frame include thermal bridges at each stud, vulnerability to moisture and infestations, and the substantial bulk of the frame within a small shipping container.

Each CX 44 shipping container panel contains two embedded studs that facilitate installation onto the side walls with Loctite PL Premium 3X Stronger Construction Adhesive and serve as a frame. The continuity of insulation isn’t interrupted; the non-porosity of the panels protects from the effects of moisture; and the chemical and physical nature of the panels do not welcome pests.

Built-In Moisture Mitigation through an InSoFast Insulation System

A shipping container build faces regularly occurring condensation because of the metal of the steel shipping container. Quality continuous insulation like that provided by our insulation systems acts as a koozie to keep condensation in check. InSoFast insulation panels also feature moisture control channels that guide vapor and water away from the wall and a non-porous composition that resists water absorption.

Built-In Assistance for Electrical Work

An unanticipated benefit of choosing InSoFast insulation panels is the included raceways for running electrical wires. The closed-cell EPS foam on the panel is easily modified with a utility knife to insert the outlet boxes, and a bit of canned spray foam insulation will seal the insertion places up tightly. Just as the panels make insulation application fast, they do the same for wiring work.

Multiple InSoFast Insulation Products

InSoFast, LLC, offers several insulation products for shipping container designs including the following:

  • CX shipping container panels
  • InSerts for side walls, end walls, and ceilings
  • CX-LP Low-Pro Embedded Studs

Approach your shipping container project with innovative shipping container insulation panels from InSoFast, LLC. Buy them from us, and we’ll ship them to your project site in Hialeah, FL.