Introducing the X Bracket System by InSoFast

Have the home insulation you deserve with less hassle and cost.

  • Easy to Attach
  • Easy to Spray
  • Long-Lasting Toughness

"'The Perfect Wall' doesn't exist..."
said no one at InSoFast!

We’re thrilled to unveil the X-Bracket, a cutting-edge solution for insulating any home, whether new or existing. Easily installed on your home’s exterior, the X-Bracket can be filled with close cell spray foam or a range of blown-in insulations, including mineral wool, fiberglass, and cellulose.

The X-Bracket is designed to create the "The Perfect Wall," as defined by renowned building scientist Joe Lstiburek—a wall that effectively controls rain, air, vapor, and heat. Say goodbye to outdated, time consuming materials and hello to a high-performance wall assembly that’s simple to install and built to last.

Build the perfect wall for your home with the X- Bracket System.

The Perfect Wall to Revolutionize Your Home's Comfort

  • installing x-bracket skeleton system
  • spraying foam on the X-bracket system
  • X-Bracket system showing closeup of brackets
  • structure that is siding-ready with X-bracket system

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